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How to sell more digital products with Kajabi Ghost Offers

Megan Martin


If you want to sell more digital products on Kajabi without having to bump up to the next plan, then this post is for you! I absolutely love Kajabi and am so happy that I sell my digital products using their platform. Over the years, I’ve learned a few ways to make the most of my membership on Kajabi – and that includes how to sell all of your products. Today, we’re going to talk about using Ghost Offers on Kajabi to help sell more products – without having to make a jump up to the top tier of membership. 

What is a ghost offer? 

A ghost offer is when you create an offer in Kajabi… but don’t actually link it to a product in Kajabi. If your products have multiple modules or a lot of information, I house them in Kajabi without question. But if my product is something simple, I house it somewhere outside Kajabi. This might be something like a digital download, a PDF, or a printable.

Why would you use a ghost offer?

Before we dive too far into why you want to use a ghost offer, I want you to understand my online shop. For the front face of my website, I use ShowIt. I’ve always loved how easy it is to customize and update. I use Kajabi on the back end for my digital product shop. When you look at the listings on my shop, they look pretty standard for an e-commerce website. When someone goes to checkout, they’re always routed through Kajabi… but that doesn’t mean your actual product has to be housed there. If you’re looking to start your digital shop but aren’t ready to commit to the highest tier of Kajabi’s plan (which I totally get!), ghost offers will be a good workaround for you! 

How ghost offers work

Essentially, all you’re going to do is create a product listing on the backend of your Kajabi site and not put a product there with it. You’ll add the name of the product, your payment, and choose your currency. Once you hit “Create”, that listing will exist like any of your memberships or courses through Kajabi. Since there’s no actual product connected to the offer, it’s called a “ghost” offer! Easy, right? Finish editing your listing (your description, images, etc.) so you can setup your product delivery. 

Delivering your ghost offer 

When I create a ghost offer, the first thing I do is create somewhere for my students to go post-purchase. This is usually a landing page where I’ll explain that they should check their email for the delivery. Honestly, I use the same landing page for all ghost offers, which helps cut down on time needed on this backend work!! I keep the landing page simple and it’s a huge help in the process for me and my students! Not to mention, asking them to check their email for the product will help your deliverability rates! It also teaches your students that important information from you will always be in their inbox.

Once your landing page is setup, you can adjust where you want people sent when they complete the purchase of your ghost offer. At that point, my students will receive their email with their login information or the actual download if it was a PDF. From there, they’ll be able to easily download their product(s) and save them to the computer! 

When I Use An Access Page

If my product is a little more complicated than a simple download, like my website templates, I like to create an access page as well. I do this for a couple of reasons. The first is that if I just send everything in a PDF, I can’t easily update the product. Instead, I can easily update a website page which means that anyone who visits it automatically has the most up to date information. Having an access page like this also means that my students and customers have somewhere to go quickly for support. I provide extra information on this page – like where to find stock images, for example. This enhances my customer’s experience and means that I don’t have to answer questions about it later! 

As you can see, the ghost offer workaround allows me to still do what I need in Kajabi for marketing purposes without having to spend more money for the platform. That cost is an expense – and we all know in business that we want to keep our expenses low! By utilizing ghost offers, you’re able to create more products for your students that allow you to bring in more money and grow your digital product shop… without a large expense.

As much as I love Kajabi, I’m glad this workaround exists to help shop owners offer their best products to their community! 

You can take a look around for yourself at everything Kajabi has to offer with a free trial right HERE

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See for yourself how Kajabi has everything you need to build your online business free for 30-days. 

Links included in this post might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. I only share about tools and resources that I personally use and believe in. There is no additional charge to you. Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week! 

How to sell more digital products with Kajabi Ghost Offers: tips to sell your products online without paying more money
How to sell more digital products with Kajabi Ghost Offers: tips to sell your products online without paying more money
How to sell more digital products with Kajabi Ghost Offers: tips to sell your products online without paying more money

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